Sl. No. Name of the collaborating institution / industry Activities under each MOU
1 ICT Academy 1. FDP on Salesforce from june13,2022 to june 17, 2022 2. ICT Learnathon from 01-09-2022 to 15-10-2022 3. ICT Youth talk from 15-09-2022 2021-22:1. Centre of excellence for student Exchange 11-04-2022 to 17-04-2022 &13-06-2022 to 17-06-2022 2. FDPs – Faculty Exchange:1. Online FDP On Leadership Skills from 07-02-2022 to 11-02-2022 2.Online FDP on “Emotional Intelligence” from 30-05-2022 to 03-06-2022 3. Online FDP on “Digital Teaching Techniques” from 25-10-2021 to 29-10-2021 4.Online FDP on “Stress Management” from 23-05-2022 to 27-05-2022 5. Onlin FDP On “Solving problems&Making Decisions” from 25-07-2022 to 29-07-2022
2 TASK 1. Add On Program On Soft Skills and Interview Skills by Mahindra pride School from 26/10/2021 to30/10/2021 2. Add on Program on training from TASK -Mahindra pride from 15 th Nov – 22 nd Nov 2021 ; 2020-21:1. Awareness session On Future Learning 2. Online seminar on Communication Skills Training On 23-12-2020 3. Online Seminar on Presentation Skills Training 23-12-2020 4. Online session On Leveraging social media for career development on 10-08-2020 5. Faculty Development Enablement Program from 13-08-2020 to 14-08-2020 2019-20: FDP On A Short Term Course on “Improving Language Skills for Effective Communication” 2. Soft skills and Employability Skills Training from 30-09-2019 to 04-10-2019 3, Employability skills training from 30-11-2019 to 04-12-2019 2018-19: FDP On FDP On Building Teacher effectiveness 2. Faculty Development program On Teacher as an Influencer from 18-12-2018 to 19-12-2018 3. Training on Aptitude and Reasoning on Aug 29 to 30, 2018 4. Session on Career orientation on june 25 ; 2017-18: Student Employability skills training
3 NPTEL 2022: 1. Ms. Firdous Begum (MBA Student)- 4 weeks course on Leadership 2. Ms.V Varshitha(Student, MBA) – 4 week course on Leadership 3.Ms B Shivalakshmi(Faculty member)- 4 weeks course on Leadership 4.Ms Meghna Bandi(Faculty Member)- 4 weeks course on Effective Writing 5.Ms D S S S Ranjani(Faculty Member)-8 weeks course on Introduction to Rings and Fields 6. Ms M Rama(Faculty Member)- 4 weeks course On Patent drafting for Beginners 2021: 1.Dr S Subbalakshmi(Faculty Member)- 12 week Course On Management Accounting 2. Ms M Sai Meghana(MBA Student)- 8 weeks course on Financial Accounting 3.Ms N S L Praveena(Faculty Member) – 8 weeks course on Intellectual property rights and Competition Law 4.Ms Meghna Bandi(Faculty Member)- 8 weeks course on Developing soft skills and Personality 5.Ms M Rama(Faculty Member) -4 weeks course on Business and Sustainable Development 6.Ms P Jayasree(MBA Student)- 4 weeks course on Design Thinking – A primer 7.Ms B Shivalakshmi(Faculty Member)- 8 weeks course on Human Resource Management 8. Ms M Rama (Faculty Member)– 8 week course On Behavioral and Personal Finance
4 Moksh Inn 2021-22: 1. Effective Mail writing session on 05-10-2021 2. MS Excel Formulae & Functions on 15-06-2021 3.Session on MS Word Features-30-06-2021; 2020-21:ICT Skills Training Sesson On Effetive Business Mail Writing On Jan 19, 2021; 2. Session On Excel Fundamentals On January 25, 2021; 2019-20: 1.ICT Skill Enhancement on E Mail writing On December 23, 2019 ; 2. ICT Skill Enhancement on power point On January 28, 2020; 2018-19: 1. Session On Excel-An Effective Tool on 24-08-2018, 2.Smart art and Review in Ms Word on 12-03-2019 3.session On Use of Data Share Applications on 25-04-2019 ; 2017-18:1.session On Workshop On Ms Office on january 6, 2018 2. session On Session On e mail Writing on july 17, 2017 3. Usage of safe internet and awareness on virus threats on September 21, 2017
5 ESCI Student Visit for “Create 2022”-entrepreneurial Prototype Exhibition on 23-12-2021
6 ALEAP -WE HUB 1.5 day Virtual Training Program from November 8 to 12, 2021 for Faculty; 2.Online National seminar on AIC ALEAP WE HUB Incubation Opportunities to students, faculty and Young Entrepreneurs on August 5, 2021; 4. 14 days program Tanmayi-Virtual Entrepreneurship Development Program
7 Village Haridaspura Oct 6,2021:Educating women on basic concepts of banking
8 Government primary School, Thammalibhai Thanda, Sangareddy District NSS Camp on Oct 5, 2021: Painting the school. Decorating. Teaching kids new rhymes, donated book shelves, books, stationary items, etc.
9 Swayam Prabha jSwayam Prabha Channels, Facilitate E Learning
10 DELNET Exploring Archives and learning material database, English Tests
11 NDLI 1. June 18, 2021- awareness on NDLI 2. Event on Book reviews of Biographies and autobiographies on Jul 30, 2021
12 HMA 1. June 26, 2021: Online seminar On personal finance Management. 2. october 21, 2021: Online session On Higher education Opportunities in the United States
13 Vincense Software Placement Drives
14 Signio Internships
15 AON Consulting Pvt Ltd 2021-22: 2020-21:Seminar on Interpersonal Skills on July 12, 2019 2. may 10, 2020 Guidance on competitive exams through assessment test
16 SERA Trust Social internships, questionnaire surveys of farmers and farmer producer Organisations, maintenace of FB page, insta, twitter handle 1. September 7, 2020 Interview for 6 Month Internships 2. September 8, 2020 Interview for 3 month Internships 3. Sep19, 2020 Inaugural of Rishi sera Chapter Swayam kRISHI 4. Dec 8, 2020 meeting with SAVE 5. Dec 10, 2020 allotment of FPOs to interns and distribution of questionnaires 6. Dec 11, 2020 Meeting with SAVE (Ms Kavya) for in depth discussion on Questionnaire 7. Mar 5, 2021 Final Submission of questionnaires by teams
17 Bharatiya Yuva Shakti Trust (BYST), Hyderabad Cluster 2018-19: Resource Person For Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp from 10-10-2018 to 12-10-2018 2017-18:1. Resource person for Entrepreneurship awareness programs from 15-02-2018 to 17-02-2018 &19-02-2018 to 21-02-2018
18 EDII 2018-19:Entrepreneurship awareness program from 10-10-2018 to 12-10-2018; 2017-18: Sponsorship for Entrepreneurship awareness Programs: from 15-02-2018 to 17-02-2018 & 19-02-2018 to 21-02-2018
19 NEN Wadhwani Foundation 2018-19:Resource Person For Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp from 10-10-2018 to 12-10-2018 2. Decade Function feb for One Dollar Venture; 2017-18: Inter College Outliers Program for E Leaders on Jan 12, 2018 2. Resource person for Entrepreneurship Awareness programs
20  Internshala Internships
21 Times of India 1. Aug 16, 2018-industrial visit ; Economic Times paper for students
22 RANA University Keep trends and challenges for business environment